OFERTA REZERVATA! EXPLOREAZA VIRTUAL! Clasa Premium Vintage style, pe harpa Centrului Istoric, Brasov

Centrul Istoric, Brasov

700 EURID: 023334

Descriere apartament

Comision chirias: 50% din contravaloarea unei chirii lunare, o singura data.

va  propune spre inchiriere o EXCLUSIVITATE materializata prin amplasarea unui superb apartament in inima orasului, mai exact in Centrul Istoric al orasului Brasov. 

EXPLOREAZA VIRTUAL: https://my.matterport.com/show/?m=no4hmr5wF9v

Este mult mai usor sa ”simti” orasul atunci cand te afli in inima sa, este locul care ofera experiente memorabile, mai ales pentru pasionatii de istorie, care pot descoperi vechile fortificatii ale orasului, muzeele si bisericile ce povestesc ”drumul pe care l-a parcurs” orasul de-a lungul existentei sale. Va invit sa exploram impreuna acest imobil, cu un design deosebit, in stil vintage si accente shabby, un mixt intre stilul glamour, baroc si rustic, alcatuit din unitati de mobilier cu finisaje antichizate si obiecte de decor boem, ce constituie nu doar o simpla alegere de amenajare, ci si o expresie a modului de viata. Apartamentul  este situat la etajul 1, cu o structura decomandata si o compozitie formata din 3 camere, bucatarie, baie si spatiu extra de depozitare la mezanin pentru obiecte intersezoniere, fiind ariat pe o suprafata utila de 90 mp. Imobilul este complet mobilat si utilat, Bucataria este luminoasa, in tonuri de alb si se prezinta cu o zona de dinning si zona de bar, fiind utilata cu tot ce este necesar, frigider, plita si cuptor electric, masina de spalat vase si rufe, hota, prajitor de paine etc.

In living se poate face trecerea si din bucatarie, avand usi mari cu sticla, remarcabile fiind accentele de mobilier antic, conferind si un spatiu generos de relaxare si vedere catre verdele muntilor Tampa. Dormitorul matrimonial cu pat king size si suport tip baldachin, are spatii de depozitare extrem de generoase, structura dulapurilor fiind permisa de inaltimea camerelor care au peste 2,50 m. Dormitorul secundar poate tine loc si de camera de oaspeti, fiind prevazut cu un calorifer electric Bosch extra, putand suplimenta daca este cazul temperatura camerei, iar baia beneficiaza de aerisire naturala si cada. Proprietatea dispune de centrala proprie, incalzire in pardoseala, curent electric, internet etc. Intrarea in cladire incanta locatarii sau oaspetii cu o gradina de flori foarte frumos amenajata, scara interioara fiind renovata. Deasemenea aveti acces pentru depozitare si in pivnita subsolului. Infrastructura este excelenta, cu statii de transport in comun catre toate zonele orasului, cu magazine si restaurante, banci, hoteluri si pensiuni, cu edificii istorice conferind si plimbari in natura, pe potecile din imprejurimile centrului.

Proprietatea a fost integral renovata, iar exigenta pentru calitate a proprietarilor se regaseste in fiecare detaliu.

Pozitia deosebita recomanda locatia pentru rezidenta, de aceea invit colegii la colaborare!

Imobil disponibil din 15.05.2022!!!

Va astept cu drag la vizionari si va doresc o zi cu soare in suflet!:)

Consilier dedicat acestei oferte:

doamna Gilda Georgescu


Detalii, fotografii suplimentare si alte oferte similare exclusive:


Ascendent Imobiliare is offering for rent an exclusive property - a beautiful apartment in the heart of the city, more precisely in Brasov’s historic centre.

Explore virtually: https://my.matterport.com/show/?m=no4hmr5wF9v

It is much easier to "feel" the city when you are in its "heart", it is the place that offers memorable experiences, especially for history enthusiasts who can discover the old fortifications of the city, museums and churches that tell the way this city advanced throughout its existence. I invite you to explore this apartment which has a special design, a mix between glamorous and vintage, made up of furniture units with antique finishes and bohemian decor objects, which is not only a simple choice of design, but an expression of a way of life. The apartment is located on the 1st floor, it has a detached structure and a configuration of 3 rooms, one kitchen, one bathroom and extra storage space on the mezzanine for interseason objects. It is spread over a usable area of 90 square meters. The apartment is fully furnished and equipped, the kitchen is bright, in white tones and has a dining & bar area with everything you need: refrigerator, hob and electric oven, dishwasher and washing machine, hood, toaster, etc.

In the living room you can make the transition from the kitchen through large glass doors, there are remarkable accents of antique furniture, offering a generous space for relaxation and views over the Tampa mountains. The master bedroom, with a king size bed and a canopy type support, has got very generous storage units, the structure of the fitted wardrobe is aided by the height of the rooms that are over 2.50 m. The secondary bedroom can also be used as a guest room and it has a Bosch extra electric radiator which can supplement, if necessary, the room temperature. The glamorous bathroom benefits from natural ventilation and bathtub. The property has its own central heating, underfloor heating, electricity, internet, etc. The entrance to the building delights the residents or guests with a beautifully arranged flower garden, and the interior staircase has been renovated. You also have access to storage in the basement. The infrastructure is excellent, with public transport stations to all areas of the city, with shops and restaurants, banks, hotels and guesthouses, with historic buildings providing walks in nature, on the paths around the centre.

The property has been completely renovated, and the owners’ demand for quality can be found in every detail.

The special location recommends this apartment for residence, that's why I invite colleagues to collaborate!

I look forward to seeing you and I wish you a sunny day! :)

Dedicated advisor for this offer:
Mrs. Gilda Georgescu

Details, additional photos and other similar exclusive offers:

Caracteristici proprietate

  • Numar Camere: 3
  • Zona: Centrul Istoric
  • Suprafata utila: 90 mp
  • Confort: 1 sporit
  • Compartimentare: decomandat
  • Etaj: 1/1
  • Numar Bai: 1
  • An Constructie: 1950
  • Clasa Energetica: B
  • Acces:Fata
  • Acces internet:Fibra optica Cablu Wireless
  • Bucatarie:Da Deschisa Utilata Mobilata
  • Calorifere:Da
  • Destinatie:Locuinta Locuinta/Birou
  • Dotari:Pivnita Dependinte Jaluzele Masina vase Masina rufe Hota Cuptor microunde Frigider Aragaz Video Interfon Dressing
  • Electrocasnice:Masina de spalat vase Aragaz Hota Cuptor microunde TV Frigider Masina de spalat rufe
  • Ferestre:PVC
  • Incalzire:Centrala proprie Incalzire prin pardoseala
  • Interfon:Interfon
  • Lift:Nu
  • Mobilat:Stil Lux Complet
  • Pereti:Lavabil Faianta
  • Podele:Gresie Parchet
  • Stadiu Finisare:Finalizat
  • Strazi:Asfaltate
  • Tip Bloc:Vila
  • Tip Structura Bloc:Caramida
  • Usa intrare:Metal Lemn
  • Utilitati:Curent PUT Gaz Canalizare Apa CATV Telefon Internet
  • Vecinatati Spatii:Autobuz Zona comerciala Banca Supermarket Fastfood Piata Hotel Ultracentral Mall Restaurant/pub Centru universitar Scoala/gradinita Parc
  • Vedere:Fata

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